Pubg pc update today
Pubg pc update today

  • Step 6: Lastly Once you done, run BGMI on your phone and download the patch note.
  • Step 5: Then click on the ‘Update’ button to install the updated version of the game.
  • This option will only appear if you have already installed the previous version of the game on your device.
  • Step 4: Now There, you will have to click on the given ‘Update’ button.
  • The update will roll out to all the countries and devices starting at 11:00 UTC. According to the official announcements, the new update 1.8 will arrive on January 12.
  • Step 3: Now click on the name of the game to go to its main page. The PUBG BGMI 1.8 Update Download is available for early access to TapTap, Get BGMI 1.8 APK + OBB downloads, upcoming updates, features, patches, and other information about this update.
  • Step 2: After that Type Battlegrounds Mobile India into the search box over there.
  • Step 1: Firstly, Open the Google Play Store on your device.
  • #Pubg pc update today how to

    If you don’t know how to follow these steps: The BGMI Update 1.8 APK and OBB files are easy to download. How To Download the BGMI 1.8 Update APK+OBB Files To enjoy the BGMI without any problems, you will need to have. In this battle royale game, there is always something new to look forward to with detailed annual content updates and world-class collaborations. The company announced during The Game Awards last month that it. There are a number of options for the players.Ĭreate a truly immersive experience through the use of the Fantastic Machine 4, bringing to life fantastic worlds enhanced by the 3D sound. Battle royale shooter PUBG: Battlegrounds has successfully transitioned into a free-to-play model from today on PC and consoles.

    pubg pc update today pubg pc update today

    It offers a variety of entertainment modes, similar to Battle Royale mode and the TDM mode. Additionally, players should keep in mind that in-game friends with different versions of the title will not be able to play together. The developers of the game have suggested that players to keep enough free storage space in their mobile phones and have a suitable network connection to download the update on their devices. However, unlike previous updates, this update will not see the server offline. New Modes (Aftermath, Spider-Man & Jujutsu kaisen)īGMI 1.8 Update APK Official Release DateĪccording to the official announcement, the new update 1.8 will arrive on January 12.Change of Ui (Settings, Events, Maps & Mission).

    Pubg pc update today